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Approximately how many hours did it take you to finish the tutorial?
Please rate the following aspects of the Tutorial on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is "awful," 5 is "average," and 10 is "outstanding." A response of 0 is treated as "no response."
Is there a particular section of this tutorial which you feel needs improvement? (Select all that apply.)
Introduction Chapter 7: Forms: SELECT Requirements Chapter 8: Forms Cleanup Chapter 1: Latin-1 Character Entities Conclusion Chapter 2: Even More Style Tags Appendix A: Tag Summary Chapter 3: Even More Header Elements Appendix B: An Example Form Chapter 4: Forms Theory Appendix C: References Chapter 5: Forms: INPUT, Part I Index Chapter 6: Forms: INPUT, Part II Glossary
What did you feel was the strongest aspect of the tutorial?
What did you feel was the weakest aspect of the tutorial?
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